🏈 Tom Brady's 2024 Rolls Royce Ghost

PLUS: Hagerty's Auction Game: Fumbling Online, Shining with Collections

The Daily Vroom

Good morning Vroomers,

We have another significant week ahead, with numerous fascinating auctions coming to a close. As always, we can expect some unexpected developments and, undoubtedly, a touch of controversy. Rest assured, I'll be here to provide comprehensive coverage of all the events.

The Monday edition of The Daily Vroom typically deviates from our usual format, and today is no exception. We're focusing on just two stories - a celebrity auction that required me to update the content mid-sentence, and a piece about Hagerty where I've managed to find something positive to discuss. Both promise to be intriguing reads.

Later this week, I have the opportunity to interview one of the industry's most prominent sellers. I'd like to extend an invitation to you, our readers, to participate in this process. If you have any questions for this high-profile seller, please send them to [email protected]. Your input could very well shape our conversation.

I look forward to bringing you more insights tomorrow.


Tom Brady's Rolls-Royce Ghost: Not Your Average Celebrity Car Auction

Let me tell you, generally speaking, I'm not one for celeb cars. Most of the time, except in special circumstances with a real A-list celeb, they don't do much better than the market value. But this one? This one's potentially different.

Look, I've seen my fair share of celebrity car auctions, and let me tell you, most of the time they're nothing to write home about. Sure, you get the occasional A-lister's ride, but usually, these things don't do much better than market value. It's just how it goes.

But this Tom Brady Rolls-Royce Ghost? Now we might be talking about something different here.

First off, we're dealing with the GOAT himself. Tom Brady isn't just any celebrity - he's in a league of his own. And this isn't just any car with his name slapped on it. We're looking at a 2024 Rolls-Royce Ghost with custom Tom Brady Signature Tread Plates. For any serious Brady fan with deep pockets, that's something special.

Here's why I think this auction could be part of the 1% that actually makes waves:

  1. It's Tom Freakin' Brady: The man's a legend. His name alone carries weight that most celebs can only dream of.

  2. Those Custom Tread Plates: This isn't just a car Brady happened to own. It's got his signature built right into it. That's a talking point that'll never get old for the new owner.

  3. It's Barely Driven: With only 127 miles on the clock, this thing is practically fresh out of the box. It's not some used-up celebrity hand-me-down.

  4. The Rolls-Royce Factor: We're not talking about some run-of-the-mill luxury car here. This is a Rolls-Royce Ghost - the cream of the crop.

Now, don't get me wrong. The success of this auction is gonna depend on a few things. Can they get the word out to all the Brady fanatics out there who've got this kind of cash to throw around?

But early signs are looking good. There's already a bunch of bids rolling in, and we're sitting at $310,000 as of now. That's the kind of action that would make SBX sit up and take notice!

So, while I'm usually the first to roll my eyes at another celebrity car auction, this one's got me watching closely. It could be that rare case where the celebrity factor actually moves the needle in a big way.


Well, folks, looks like we might have something cooking here after all. Just as I’m writing this, in came a bid of $400k and get this - the reserve's already been met. And we've still got over 10+ days to go. Now that's what I call action. It also means my question on whether the celeb connection can help sell this is now answered…

This is exactly the kind of heat that separates the run-of-the-mill celebrity auctions from the real deals. Hitting the reserve this early? That tells me two things: first, the seller wasn't living in la-la land with their expectations, and second, there are some serious Brady fans out there with deep pockets and a burning desire to own a piece of the GOAT's legacy.

The way SOMO's handling this auction? It's a masterclass in how to market a celebrity item. They've created buzz, they've got the right eyes on the prize, and they're letting the bidders do the talking. SBX could learn a thing or two here about how to really leverage a celebrity connection. It's not just about slapping a famous name on something; it's about crafting a narrative that buyers can't resist.

We're not just talking about a celebrity car anymore. We're watching a piece of sports history changing hands, and the market's responding accordingly. This Ghost is proving it's got some serious spirit, if you'll pardon the pun.

So, where do we go from here? Sky's the limit, really. With 10+ days left on the clock, we could see some real fireworks. This could be one of those rare cases where a celebrity car doesn't just meet the market - it sets it.

Hagerty's Auction Game: Fumbling Online, Shining with Collections

Alright, folks, gather 'round. If you've been following The Daily Vroom for a while, you'll know I've had a bone to pick with Hagerty's auction strategy. Let's call a spade a spade: their online auction platform is about as impressive as a Yugo at a Ferrari meet.

Hagerty's trying to play in the big leagues of online auctions, but let's be real - their platform feels like it was cobbled together during a lunch break. They're tossing everything but the kitchen sink onto that site, with no rhyme or reason to the cars they're selling. It's like they're throwing darts at a dartboard blindfolded, hoping something sticks.

Instead of online experts running the ship they've got their excellent Broad Arrow team running this online circus. These folks are more at home with the glitz and glamour of live auctions, and boy, does it show. Can't say I blame 'em - when your heart's not in it, it's gonna be a tough slog. (from what I gather their heart is not in it!!)

They're barely moving a handful of cars each day, and let me tell you something I've said till I'm blue in the face: in this online auction game, you're either all in or you're out. There's no half-assing it.

Now, if you've been paying attention to our polls (and I know you have, you data-loving devils), you'll know that the general consensus is that Hagerty should stick to what they know - live auctions. But we all know that's not happening anytime soon. Stubborn as a mule, that lot.

But hey, I'm not all doom and gloom. Let's try to find a silver lining in this cloud of mediocrity. Where Hagerty does manage to shine, despite their best efforts to fumble the ball, is with collections. They've got a nose for sniffing out some impressive lots, usually with no reserve, which gets the serious collectors salivating. The downside? It's not a regular gig. They need those daily bread-and-butter cars to keep the lights on.

Speaking of collections, let's talk about their latest one: The Karlock's Collection. This little beauty just went live, featuring 17 vehicles, all at no reserve. Now, some of these are about as exciting as watching paint dry, but there are a few gems that'll make your petrolhead heart skip a beat.

Take the 1957 Chevrolet Corvette 283/283 "Fuelie" for instance. Already sitting pretty at $55,000, this baby is American muscle and engineering at its finest. Or how about the 1965 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe 327/375 "Fuelie"? Last year for the fuel-injected 'Vette, folks. It's at $70,000 and worth every penny for a serious collector.

But it's not all Corvettes and chrome. The 1959 Chevrolet Impala Convertible1 is turning heads faster than a runway model, with bids hitting $50,000. Those tailfins could put a smile on the Mona Lisa.

Now, a word to the wise - buying from a collection like this isn't all sunshine and rainbows. These beauties have been sitting pretty for years, which means they'll need some TLC before they're road-ready. So if you're thinking of throwing your hat in the ring, make sure you've got the cash (and the patience) to get 'em purring again.

Let's cut to the chase - Hagerty Marketplace tried to take on Bring a Trailer, and ended up bringing a knife to a gunfight. They're so far behind, they can't even see BaT's taillights. But credit where credit's due - they've got a knack for digging up these collections from the far corners of the country. If they insist on staying in this game, they should focus on what they're good at - collections. Leave the daily grind to the folks who've got it figured out.

Remember, it's better to be a master of one trade than a jack of all and master of none.

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